Sunday, 26 February 2012

Selling books...

Thing is, no matter how long you spend at this writing game, you never know what will sell, what won't. Yes I knew my Walk on The Southside would do well...(and my editorial mate Michael The Mystic agreed, though he said only because people are vicarious!)...well it has done well, and continues to sell...and I continue to get personal communications from happy (vicarious?) from

Eoghan Harris (of the Sunday Independent)  

judging by the  photos of  H, then and now,  she  was and is a stunner,  my ideal kind of woman and generally a fine thing.  Had I  met her in my prime, when my hair was black and my eyes a blazing blue, I would have made every effort to extricate her from your coils and shown  her a good time. Even now you would be well advised not to drop your guard.

(Hey what's with that 'even now' ???)

Also hear from Gerry Cott (co-founder of The Boomtown Rats), he  describes the book as 

           like a piece of music from which I extrapolate context, culture and influences. like a     
           good tune, your book will stick with me for some time to come.

Well let's hope the follow up...prequel actually, does as well. Here's the cover. Details on the website.

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